We count down your most-read articles from StreetChat for the year: featuring great case studies, profiles, street furniture tips and award-winning products. Every month we bring our readers new projects, products and trends from the public domain; subscribe here to receive the monthly update in your inbox. 10. Linea on show in San Diego with Spruce & Gander Our US partner Spruce & Gander, Inc treated San Diego customers to an afternoon of great food and wine at a Pop Up Picnic with Linea Cubes, Platform, Sun Lounge, Seats, Curved Bench and Picnic Settings on show. 9. Case study: Mission Australia DAYS Centre Vulnerable young people can sit together and relax in this courtyard space designed by Emerge Associates for outdoor healing and respite, at the Youth Withdrawal and Respite Centre in Perth, Western Australia. …

Place Score
A leading voice in placemaking, Kylie Legge is an architecture graduate, planner, place maker, author, facilitator, curator and entrepreneur. She is founding Director of Place Partners, a multidisciplinary placemaking consultancy based in Sydney, Australia and Place Score – the world’s first place experience measurement company. How did you get started and find your unique career pathway? My career has tended to veer off the beaten track. I’ve never been too worried about what other people think and am risk-hungry. I’m also interested in disruption – looking for better ways of doing things. At 23 as an architecture grad I talked my way into an internship at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. I lived a double life, working in a dive bar by night and at the most …