Outdoor spaces support many important aspects of school life – providing places to play, learn, meet, make friends, socialise over lunch, share stories or sit quietly. Bringing the classroom outdoors is a growing trend in Australian education, with an increasing body of evidence to support its benefits for learning, social skills and health. Sir Ken Robinson, author of the most-watched TED Talk of all time, says, “We learn much more from the world around us and each other than we do from necessarily sitting indoors at desks. “What really drives education is curiosity, trying to fill gaps in our understanding. And the world around us is a tremendous resource to stimulate that curiosity.” He gives five reasons to teach outside, namely: Nature is a powerful resource. Children can learn through …

Refill Not Landfill
Jon Dee – founder of Do Something and Go Tap – spoke on The Project about how bottled water is an overpriced ‘consumer con’ that excessively increases our landfill. Street Furniture Australia has partnered with Jon Dee to help make more drinking fountains and refill stations available in public areas. More fountains means less bottled water, which is kinder to your wallet and our environment. For more information on the Arqua Fountain, please see the Arqua Fountain Brochure.
A designer’s work is never finished, especially in the Street Furniture Australia design studio. In response to the immense popularity of the Arqua Drinking Fountain, our R&D team has developed a new and improved version for our customers. Enhanced quality … Moving away from traditional casting methods, the revised Arqua water bubbler uses the latest in fabrication technology to offer the best in manufacturing quality. More durable … The upgraded product now features one of the toughest push button and valve systems in the market. Originally designed for use in prisons, the Arqua push button resists vandalism and wear and tear to offer excellent whole-of-life value and product longevity. Arqua Fountain is a wheelchair-friendly product. The Arqua range includes the Arqua Refill Pole and Arqua Dog Bubbler (available October 2012). …