The Street Furniture Australia factory, in Western Sydney, is both a manufacturing hub and R&D studio for our Australian-designed and made street furniture products. Recently we welcomed Tract Consultants to view the factory and meet our team. Director Julie Lee said: “It was a great opportunity for our team to look behind the scenes and understand the innovation, research and climate positive outcomes Street Furniture Australia is focusing on. Thank you for having us!” Clients are now invited to register for a fun and informative group event to see how products are designed, tested and built, and hear about latest products and projects. Your 2-hour tour (plus travel) includes: Transport to and from your office (within Sydney). Refreshments, with breakfast or afternoon tea. Factory tour. Meet our production team and …

Tract Consultants
Recycled plastic roads now on trial: Inventors are currently trialling recycled plastic road technology in the Netherlands, says The Economist, with a 30 metre bicycle track opened in early September. The first prefabricated PlasticRoad track in Zwolle consists of modular sections made in a factory from 70% recycled plastic and 30% polypropylene. Developers say it includes recycled plastic equivalent to more than 218,000 plastic cups or 500,000 bottle caps. Sensors to measure temperature, the number of bike passages, durability, flexing and the flow of water through drainage channels, are also fitted inside the path. Two Dutch firms – KWS, a road builder, and Wavin, a firm that makes plastic piping – are developing the product in partnership with Total, a French oil-and-gas firm. The trial follows an Australian test project installed in May, with a …
Close to 100 pleas for new parks have flooded in for the My Park Rules competition, with eight state and territory finalists teaming up with leading landscape architects to pitch for the coveted playground makeover. The judging panel, including Lucy Turnbull AO, Sacha Coles from ASPECT Studios and Mary Jeavons from Jeavons Landscape Architecture, will consider each pitch in March, and announce the national winner on May 1. Street Furniture Australia is delighted to be an official sponsor of the competition. Highgate Primary School in Western Australia, which received 870 votes to propel it into the state round of the contest, will bid to transform bitumen and sandy yards under the guidance of UDLA. Snug Primary School in Tasmania, paired with Playstreet Urban Design, dreams of transforming empty fields from out-of-bounds to creative fitness haven. Sydney’s …